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I am pursuing a M. Ed. in Education Administration at Lamar University.

Archive of Brilliance


Saturday, March 19, 2011

Goal:  Implement the use of hand-held digital devices in instruction at La Grange Middle School.
Person(s) Responsible
Research schools/districts that already integrate hand-held devices in the classroom
Grade-level team leaders
April, 2011
A collection of district and campus plans/rules for use of hand-held devices is collected.
Using data uncovered in surveying other schools, cull "critical" attributes for a La Grange ISD plan.
Grade-level committees
April, 2011
A list of attributes for the plan can be presented to the faculty.
Survey teachers regarding issues/concerns in using hand-held devices in class.
Campus counselors
May, 2011
Each item identified in the previous step can be ranked in importance to the faculty.  In addition, a list of pitfalls or concerns can be created.
Work with local businesses to acquire devices for students who otherwise cannot afford them.
PTO President
June-August, 2011
100% of students have and use hand-held devices in class.
Infrastructure (primarily wi-fi access points) is installed to support student use of hand-held devices.
District Technology Coordinator
June-August, 2011
Students and teachers can successfully join a secure wi-fi network while at school.
Present an in-service session on the effective use of hand-held devices in the classroom.
District Technology Coordinator
August, 2011
Implementation of hand-held devices will be documented via teacher lesson plans, classroom observations, and student work products.
Implement the use of hand-held devices in instruction at La Grange Middle School.
Classroom teachers
2011-12 school year
Lesson plans, classroom observations, student work products.


  1. I noticed the implementation of the hand-held devices. I agree that there is a place for the used of hand-held devices. A teacher should be free to governor their own environment in regards to devices in the classroom.
