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I am pursuing a M. Ed. in Education Administration at Lamar University.

Archive of Brilliance


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Questions...

Below are a statement of purpose for my action research and a list of five research questions. I am thinking that my questions may need a bit of refinement. Please feel free to comment.

The most important element affecting student achievement is the teacher in the classroom. One area of education reform that is often discussed is professional compensation for teachers. The purpose of this study is to explore the effect of teacher compensation plans on student achievement. Performance based compensation (merit pay) is often discussed when evaluating teacher salaries. The effect of merit pay on student achievement is worthy of study. Questions to be asked will include:
  1. What are some examples of merit pay plans or programs?
  2. How does merit pay affect teacher recruitment and retention?
  3. What is the nature of teacher buy-in in areas that use merit pay programs?
  4. Is there a relationship between teacher salary and student achievement?
  5. Can La Grange ISD use an innovative teacher compensation plan that is affordable for the district, is fair to staff members while rewarding excellence, and leads to improved student learning?

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