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I am pursuing a M. Ed. in Education Administration at Lamar University.

Archive of Brilliance


Friday, July 30, 2010

The merit pay research plan

INQUIRY:  How can innovative compensation plans improve student achievement?
GOAL:  To improve student achievement by implementing innovative compensation plans for teachers.
TIMELINE:  If a new compensation plan is implemented, this project will take two years to complete.  The plan will be developed during the 2010-11 school year and proposed during the spring budgeting process.  The plan will be implemented during the 2011-12 school year and results evaluated for continuation or revision.

Action Steps
Person(s) Responsible
Timeline:  Start/End
Needed Resources
Review the literature regarding performance compensation for teachers.  (Merit pay)
David DeLuca
July, 2010 / October, 2010
Internet, journals
A variety of compensation plans and perspectives can be identified.
Gather student achievement data:  TAKS/EOC scores, pass/fail percentages.  This will be our benchmark for comparisons.
Campus counselors
Throughout the 2010-11 school year
TAKS reports, 6 weeks grade reports
Data gathered and compiled.
Create a Special Committee on Compensation, make up of teachers on all four campuses
Principals and SBDM committees select members for this special committee
October, 2010
Input from principals and SBDM committees
Teachers agree to serve on committee
Consider and evaluate various compensation proposals
Special Committee on Compensation (made up of teachers)
Spring, 2011
Meeting time and space
Committee selects a compensation plan to tailor to LGISD needs.
Present selected compensation plan to LGISD Administration
Special Committee on Compensation
Spring, 2011
Meeting time and space
Admin backs compensation plan.
Present selected compensation plan to LGISD School Board
Committee and administrators
May, 2011
School Board meeting
Presentation is made.
Plan is implemented for 2011-12 School Year
LGISD School Board
2011-12 School Year

Plan is implemented
Gather student achievement data:  TAKS/EOC scores, pass/fail percentages.  We will compare this to the 2010-11 data.
Campus counselors
Throughout the 2011-12 school year
TAKS reports, 6 weeks grade reports
Data gathered and compiled.
Compare 2010-11 data with 2011-12 data. 
Special Committee on Compensation
Spring, 2012
Meeting time and space
Does student achievement show any changes attributable to teacher compensation?
Refine innovative compensation plan as needed or revert to a traditional plan
Special Committee on Compensation, LGISD Administration
Summer, 2012
Meeting time and space
Admin backs compensation plan.

Finally, I think an important part of this process will be reassessing the performance-based compensation each year to make sure that it is achieving its goals and not causing conflict or distress among the teaching and support staff.


  1. This is a really interesting topic David. You have covered it very thoroughly. I like your final comment about the need to reassess to see if it is distressing staff members.

  2. This is an interesting topic, David. I always wonder how one can rate teachers based on student performance fairly. Being a special education teacher, some of the students in that subgroup have performance limits academically and how would that be considered? ie...severe and profound, Downs syndrome, autistic, etc. How does one evaluate, based on state accountability scores, the effectiveness of a teacher in life skills? How would an inclusion teacher be evaluated or an interventionist?

    Can't wait to see what you find in your literature review.

  3. Who will you include? Only the core teachers or will you include elective teachers as well?

  4. For me, in order for a performance based pay system to work, it would have to include all teachers, not just those who teach TAKS tested subjects. As a band director, this has long been one of my concerns. I have even read of these performance bonuses being extended to all members of the school staff -- secretaries, cafeteria workers, custodians, etc.

    Accountability (including merit pay) based on student performance is very difficult to accomplish fairly. So far, I am not convinced that anyone has accomplished this. We'll see.

  5. David,
    I think your plan looks good and I am glad that the committee is reviewing multiple plans. This area could become quite controversial if students are not dispersed evenly.
